Variance Estimation Testing Using A Simple Linear Specification
Mark Fredrickson, Ben Hansen
The goal of this document is to consider a simple model that can be arranged as two separate regressions and relate the variance of the second stage coefficients to those that are fit in the entire model. With this information, we should be able to create tests of our variance estimation routines.
Combined model
Consider two sets of background variables and treatment assignments, and with dimension and , respectively, to be treated as nonrandom or fixed by conditioning. While we allow correlation between the variables, we will assume that the matrix has an inverse (I think most of these results would work with generalized inverses, but if does not exist it makes the dimesionality of the coefficients a little tricky).
Standard results give us
and that the variance of the estimators is Results for blocked matrices (e.g., The Matrix Cookbook) give the variance for just as Write , matrix that creates the residuals of the regression on alone. Then,
The same arises as the coefficient of a regression of on (by the so-called Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem). In consequence,
Two regressions
Let and be the estimators from first regression on on alone and then regressing , that is with as defined above, on . Standard results give
As both and are taken to be nonrandom, we may pass between and via nonrandom linear transformations, as follows: Accordingly which may serve as a basis for tests.