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An S3method for sandwich::estfun for producing a matrix of contributions to the direct adjustment estimating equations.


# S3 method for class 'teeMod'
estfun(x, ...)



a fitted teeMod model


arguments passed to methods


An \(n\times 2\) matrix of empirical estimating equations for the direct adjustment model fit. See Details for definition of \(n\).


If a prior covariance adjustment model has been passed to the offset argument of the teeMod model using cov_adj(), estfun.teeMod() incorporates contributions to the estimating equations of the covariance adjustment model.

The covariance adjustment sample may not fully overlap with the direct adjustment sample, in which case estfun.teeMod() returns a matrix with the same number of rows as the number of unique units of observation used to fit the two models. Uniqueness is determined by matching units of assignment used to fit the covariance adjustment model to units of assignment in the teeMod model's Design slot; units of observation within units of assignment that do not match are additional units that add to the row count.

Theby argument in cov_adj() can provide a column or a pair of columns (a named vector where the name specifies a column in the direct adjustment sample and the value a column in the covariance adjustment sample) that uniquely specifies units of observation in each sample. This information can be used to align each unit of observation's contributions to the two sets of estimating equations. If no by argument is provided and units of observation cannot be uniquely specified, contributions are aligned up to the unit of assignment level. If standard errors are clustered no finer than that, they will provide the same result as if each unit of observation's contributions were aligned exactly.